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2022 Royal Adelaide Show

3-11 Sep 22

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Royal Adelaide Show

After three long years the Royal Adelaide Show was finally back on track with massive crowds for the week the events on the main arena were in full swing through the full 9 days of the show.  The weather even came to the party with just a few showers later in the week but it was relatively mild compared with what Adelaide had been experiencing in the lead up to the event and indeed in previous years where there is always at least one or two very rainy days


Best Novice Hack went to C Lawrie & A Richards Royal Blu.  Champion Hack & Supreme Ridden Exhibit was A Berwick & G Gerry's Coronation.  Reserve Champion Hack was D Quayle, E Richardson& M Haynes  Royalwood West End.  Best Novice Galloway Hack went to Giustozzi & Cameron's Destiny's Diamantina.  Champion Galloway Hack was awarded to G Gerry & D Telford's Royal Opera while Reserve Champion Galloway Hack went to M Haynes & D Quayle's Westgrove Pageant Material. CHampion Ridden Shetland Pony was Chesapeake Park's Falconhurst Showpiece while Reserve Champion Ridden Shetland was A Lombardi's Kilpara Park Last Dance.  Best Novice Pony Hack was C Gale's Royalwood Enchanting.  Champion Pony Hack was awarded to E Richardson's Braeburn Park Spring Dance while Reserve Champion Pony Hack was S Young's Rosedale Matilda.  Champion Pony Hack over 12.2hh went to C Gale's Royalwood Enchanting while Reserve Champion was Pae & The Reinke Family's Thorne Park Dance All Night. 

Best Novice Show Hunter went to E Kerslake's Marena Sundial who also took out Champion Show Hunter Horse.  Reserve Champion SHow Hunter Horse was taken out by A Stella's Quantador.   Best Novice Show Hunter Galloway went to M Haynes, D Quayle & K Reid's Lily's Sovereign.  Champion SHow Hunter Galloway was taken out by B Perkin's A& I Mcintyre's Murraydale Park Kane.  Best Novice Show Hunter Pony was awarded to E Mitchell's Wynara Endless Love who also took out Champion Show HUnter pony over 12.2hh.  Reserve Champion Show Hunter Pony over 12.2hh was taken out by H Mcleod's Allira Park Paspaley.  Champion SHow Hunter Pony went to N Clark's Anjara Park Euphoria while Reserve Champion went to A Merry's Splash Dance. 

Champion Junior Rider Under 14yrs went to G Pihan while Reserve went to A Gill.  Champion Rider 14-18 years was awarded to A Stella whle Reserve Champion went to J Crosby.  Champion Senior Rider went to J Dertell.

Thoroughcare classes
Hack Premier Award was won by D Plumb's DP Choir who also took out Reserve Champion Hack.  Hunter Premier Award went to G Manning's Chynna Grove Mintaro.  Show hunter 15.2 & under was taken out by J Anderon's Poitier who went on to be Reserve Champion Show Hunter.  Show Hunter over 15.2hh went to R Shannon-WInzer's Shaundale Park Eqyptian Prince who went on to be Champion SHow Hunter. Hack 15.2 & under went to F Mcintyre's Highgrove while Hack over 15.2hh went to C Lawrie & A Richards Royal Blu who also went on to be Champion Hack.  Fashions Off the Track a led event was awarded to M Holman's Private Valentine.

F McIntyre's Highgrove was sold as a yearling for $460,000 at the Magic Millions Gold Coast and raced as Able Fun in Queensland, NSW and Victoria finishing his career in the southern stable of Chris Waller.  He had 13 starts for 3 placings.  

G Manning's Chynna Grove Mintaro was bred by Willow Grove Stud, sold through the Adelaide Magic Millions (see photo below) and was named Mint Lad but was unraced.

M Holman's Private Valentine raced under that name in country NSW and had 23 starts for 1 win and 5 placings.

C Lawrie & A Richards Royal Blu raced as Our Boy Reuben and had 1 start.

R Shannon-WInzer's Shaundale Park Eqyptian Prince is by a little known stallion called Egyptian King who had 12 live foals recorded.  He was registed as Prince of Egypt but was unraced.

A Berwick & G Gerry's Coronation raced as Lady Jeune and had 25 starts in Queensland and later in country SA for 3 placings.  She is from the well known family of Bianco Lady a star stayer of the 1980s who won stakesraces in 3 states and had success through Bianco Flyer at stud. 

J Anderon's Poitier raced under that name starting his career showing promise as a young horse in the stable of David Hayes after selling at the Gold Coast Magic Millions for $300,000.  Later in his career he raced in SA and when he retired he had had 31 starts for 4 wins and 6 placings.

D Plumb's DP Choir raced as Bringit starting his career in Queensland and later makiing his way to Victoria and held his form throughout his career with 25 starts for 4 wins and 5 placings plus many races where he was just behind the placegetters.  On the track he earnt just under $100,000 in prozemoney.


G Manning's Chynna Grove Mintaro as a yearling

Heavy Harness

Glenquarry Clydesdales dominated the Champion & Reserve Champion Turnout with Glenquarry Myfanwy named Champion and Glenquarry Lily of the Glen named Reserve Champion.  Champion Single Turnout was awarded to Caversham Clydesdales Caversham Henry while Reserve went to R Vogelsang's Caversham William.  Champion Multiple Tradesman/Delivery Turnout went to Glenquarry Clydesdales Wheelabarraback Flash Jack & Glenquarry Lily of the Glen.  Reserve Champion Mulitple Tradesman/Delivery Turnout went to Caversham Clydesdales Aurora Flash Joker & Caversham Charles.  Champion Delivery Horse was Glenquarry Clydesdales Wheelabarraback Flash Jack.  Champion Mulitple Delivery went to Caversham Clydesdales Aurora Flash Joker & Caversham Charles.

Supereme Heavy Harness Exhibit was awarded to Glenquarry Clydesdales Wheelabarraback Flash Jack & Glenquarry Lily of the Glen

Light Harness

In the Light Harness classes the Champion Light Horse Turnout went to C Collins & A James' Clemson Billboard with R Lane's Naringalook GAndalf named as Reserve Champion.  The Champion Viceroy Turnout was awarded to C Collins and A James' Rose Air Manikato with Reserve Champion going to E&M Goodwin's Viscounthill Cadillac.  Champion Hackney HOrse or Galloway went to E&M Goodwin's Viscounthill Cadillac while Reserve Champion Hackney HOrse or Galloway went to M Holbertson & AP Cusack's Makari Victory Light.  Champion Hackney Harness Pony was taken out by Ragg& Proctor Family Show Team's Glenwood Limited Edition with C&V Lawrie's The Doune Regal named Reserve Champion.  Champion Non - Hackney Harness Pony went to Naringalook Gandalf while Reserve went to C Collins and A James' Rose Air Manikato.  Champion Non Hackney Horse or Galloway was awarded to S Ryan's Burrowa Welsh Maid.

Supreme Champion LIght Harness Exhibit was awarded to R Lane's Naringalook Gandalf.  

Rider Classes

In the Rider Classes the Champion Junior Rider under 14 went to G Pihan whle A Gill was Reserve Champion Rider Under 14 years.  The Champion Junior Rider 14-18 years was awarded to A Stella while Reserve Champion was J Crosby.  Champion Senior Rider was J Dertell with Reserve Senior Rider named as E Lee.


In the showjumping K Mack's Finch Farn Cab Sav won the Showjumping Championship which replaced the World Cup round at the show this year While G Crighton was the MOst Successful Showjumping Rider while her horse Ricochet CG was the MOst Successful Showjumping Horse.  The Most Successful HOrse and Rider in Group B was E Stephens riding P Stephens Da Vince.  The Best Senior SA Showjumping Rider was Kristy Bruhn.

Section 4s/Hunter classes

On the finaly day of the show the Section 4s and Individual Hunter classes took centre stage on the main arena.  Fleurieu Hunt Club won the Section 4s while C Germein and V Fuller won the Individual Hunter Classes

Barrel Racing

SA Barrel Horse Association put on an impressive display on the last day of the show.  With a host speaking to the sport representative riders old and young were putting on skilled runs on horses of all sizes from ponies to quarter horses to a rescue brumby. 


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